
When it comes to building there is a raft of legislation and regulation that you need to know about and how this might impact on your project. The Building Act 2004, and the Resource Management Act 1991, are a couple …

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Architects are always striving for knowledge, and in fact, we are required, by law, to keep learning to be able to continue to practice as an architect. It takes 6 years training, and a further 2 years practical experience, to …

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This is what architects live for, and we are good at it. The work of architects often produced new, exciting, and sometimes controversial building solutions. It is not that we consciously try to be different, its just that things often …

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It is a common misconception that architects come up with great architecture all on their own. Some of the best architecture comes out of a collaborative process, and this is how architects like to play it. Do you want to …

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we make nice things

At mitchinsonsimiona this is our motto. ‘nice’ is one of those feel-good, adjectives, that we encourage our clients to own. The term is very subjective, some things will be pleasant or attractive to some, but not to others. It is …

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